9 things you will learn the moment you stop going to church

If you are knowledgeable about the things going on in some of our religious centres, then you will understand why some people choose to serve God in their own way.
Please note that no one is going to stop you from going to church or any other religious centre. However, the things you will learn here will change your orientation about life generally and help you to stand firm against those who are sanctimonious.
Many people think the moment they stop going to church, they have no connection with God again. They do not believe they can amount to anything in life after stepping outside the folds of the church.
Some on the other hand deliberately pull out of the church because they feel they cannot cope with the strictness of the church leaders who have refused to go with the trend of this century. What people have failed to understand is the fact that God is everywhere.
Here are things you will learn when you stop going to church:

1. God does not think like a man

Stop trying to judge yourself the way men judge; you are dealing with God and not men. Whether you are outside the church or not, His grace is sufficient for you.

2. Being wealthy does not mean God is involved

Do not be swayed by people’s wealth. When the waves of life hit you hard, you will get to understand that being wealthy is not an indicator of God’s presence.
The peace you find afterwards will also determine if it is God’s presence or not.

3. God’s grace supersedes all

As filthy as you are, you will be amazed to find out His grace covers you. He will have mercy on those He chooses to have mercy on.

4. You can have a relationship with God outside the church

God is everywhere. Do not let anyone chide you into believing you have to spend two-third of your day in His house before He hears you. He can speak to you in the darkest hole.

5. Some pastors are fake

Most of the pastors that you see as role models are not trustworthy. If they are not extorting money from you, they may be sleeping with your wife. You never can tell. Only God knows His true worshippers.

6. Women can lead the congregation

While some church leaders are gender sensitive, you should know God’s love and mercies is for everyone. He can speak to a woman and make her lead the congregation.

7. Your salvation is concrete

Irrespective of the fact that you are outside the church, your salvation is sure because you already know God.
No one can take away the personal relationship you have whether you sit on the first row of the pew or not.

8. Fulfillment of physical desires and spirituality are two different entities

Do not allow one to affect the other; treat them as separate entities and you will have peace. Do not let guilt drive you away from God.

9. Those who are quick to judge are guilty

Let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone! You will be amazed at the number of people who put on the holier than thou attitude in the church.
Those who stand against a particular sin struggle the most with it.
