Obviously, no relationship is perfect. With that
said, no person is perfect, either – however, certain things they do in a
relationship can be a dealbreaker or deal maker. A partner shouldn’t
save your life; they should add value to an already awesome one. On the
other hand, your guy or girl should make you happy the majority of the
time, and make you feel loved and appreciated. Doing any one of the
following things should let you know that they’re serious about your
relationship and truly love and care about you.
If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go
1. Calms You Down When You’re Angry
great partner knows what pushes your buttons, and tries to avoid
hitting them if at all possible. However, sometimes other people can
push your buttons, and the anger doesn’t just go away if you shift your
focus from it. If your partner attempts to calm you down by rubbing your
back, giving you a massage, or just talking things out in a soothing
way with you, don’t ever let them go. Most people would run from anger
in the blink of an eye, but if they stick around through the storm,
they’re definitely a keeper.
2. They Don’t Try To Control You
great partner also will let you have your space, and not become
possessive or tell you who you can and can’t hang out with. They will
understand and honor your need to hang out with friends and family
sometimes, and won’t question your whereabouts at every second of the
day. A great partner understands your need for solitude, and actually
encourages you to spend time by yourself at least once a week.
3. They Trust You To No End
a partner worth keeping will not have trust issues with you, and will
not give you reasons to distrust them, either. They don’t ask to see
your phone to look through your pictures, text messages, and other
private things in your life. They respect your privacy, and know that
you would tell them something important without them having to find it
on your cell phone first. If you haven’t given them a reason to not
trust you, then they will have undying faith in you, and give you their
whole heart without second guessing themselves. A wonderful partner
knows that trust must exist in order to have a successful relationship,
and they make it clear just how much they trust you.
4. They Challenge You
you have a keeper, they will challenge you to push past your comfort
zone and become the best version of yourself. They won’t allow you to
dwell in mediocrity for too long, not because they don’t think you’re
good enough, but because they know you can do better. They encourage you
to go out for that half marathon, apply for that job that you’ve been
wanting for a while now, and travel to a country you’ve always wanted to
visit. They just want you to become the most well-rounded, whole
version of yourself, and constantly raise the bar so that you keep
growing as a person.
5. They Believe In You
They don’t
belittle you or tear you down, and they don’t tell you that you can’t do
something. They make you feel as though anything is possible, and
constantly give you pep talks and motivation. A great partner won’t try
to compete with you or outshine you in life – they see you as their
equal, and therefore, want both of you to succeed. They quiet all the
insecurities in your head, and make you feel as though nothing is out of
6. They Love You Unconditionally
All those
insecurities you once had, you hardly remember now. Your guy or girl
loves you so much, and wraps their arms around both your “flaws” and
your strengths. They love every part of you, the good and the bad. They
would never dream of leaving your side, because they understand your
pain and do their best to heal it. They don’t expect perfection from
you, because that would be boring and unfulfilling. People’s quirks and
insecurities make them interesting, and make them human. So, they love
you no matter what, and don’t try to change you into someone else.
7. They Show You New Things In Life
partner teaches you things you thought you’d never learn before. They
show you how to play instruments, show you exciting new places to go,
and show you what it means to be alive again. There’s never a dull
moment with them around, because you’re constantly unraveling new layers
of them, and picking their brain because they have so much knowledge to
share. Life truly feels like a dream with them around.
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